
View My Schedule

SUMMER SESSION: July 7th – August 3rd 2024

  • If you are on the Punchpass Schedule Calendar, click on your selected class. You will be directed to create an account unless you already have one.
  • Purchase your selected Pass; you will receive a confirmation email for your purchase and registration.
    (Class Passes: Purchase 5, 8, 10, 15 classes, All-In Pass or Single Drop-In)
  • To Reserve any chosen class once your pass is purchased, simply click on the class in the Punchpass calendar. An email with a class link will be sent within 5 minutes.
  • You can also reserve a class (or classes) in advance. A reminder email with a link will be sent about 30 minutes before each class.
  • Please use ONLY one email address in all communications and registrations with Inspiring Yoga. This is very important!

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