Inspiring Presence
Programs blend theory and practice, inquiry, exercise, and engagement to deeply investigate a field of study. These 60-90 minute sessions are offered in the evening over a 4-week period (except Inspiring Presence which is a 12 week program), and include recordings and guide sheets.
Inspiring Presence: Cultivating Present Moment Awareness through Breath
12 week guided path of transformation
Inspiring Presence is a transformative twelve week journey, delving into conscious connected breathing as our anchor to present moment awareness. In these turbulent times, it is essential to stay grounded in the body, and increasingly important to stabilize the mind and foster emotional integration.
Using The Presence Process to map our way, we will work with attention and intention, affirmation and perception. As Dr. Jo Dispenza expresses, “Embracing discomfort is so contrary to our programming, but so essential to evolving our consciousness.” This connected breathing practice enables us to gently access the subconscious and feel into what may have been blocked or unresolved, allowing an inner knowing to guide us toward authentic being and free us from the past.
- Decrease stress & anxiety
- Fortify your immune system & alleviate inflammation
- Opening to feelings & becoming skilful at staying connected –
emotional integration - Enhance body / mind connection & open to flow states
- Expand capacity to embrace duality
- Deepen Presence
Offering Includes:
- 12 recorded breath sessions
- Tuesday evenings online circle 7-8:30pm
- Inspirations and teachings emailed weekly
Requirements Include:
- Commitment to daily breathing practice (15 minutes twice a day)
- Cultivation of curiosity and openness to work with intention and join in the Tuesday sessions
Day: Tuesday Evenings
Date: April 8 – June 24 2025
Time: 7pm-8:30pm
Cost: $360 + GST = $378
Facilitated by Sharon Abbondanza
Inspiring Breath: Enliven Your Breath ~ Empower Your Life
Breath is our link to life offering a profound moment by moment experience to RE-source ourselves. Mapping your cycle of breath, you will discover your personal breathing patterns and learn how to transform holding tendencies that create tension. We will examine the Autonomic Nervous system and learn how to work with conscious breath rhythms to balance our inner state of being. Build your foundational skills to increase your respiratory capacity, investigate the science of breath and explore simple pranayama practices to refine self regulation and cultivate harmonic resonance.
New and Experienced Practitioners Welcome
- Nourishing Body-Mind Connection
- Reducing stress and tension
- Capacity to calm & steady the mind
- Ability to more skilfully regulate emotional life
- Deepened connection to self, Spirit and inner life
Day: Tuesday Evenings
Date: TBA
Time: 7pm-8:30pm
Facilitated by Sharon Abbondanza
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