
In deep gratitude to…

Swan for her magnanimity, radiant presence, dharmic wisdom and teachings on the art of teaching; Brigitte Longueville for her devotion to the path, her extraordinary support on my grief walk, and her comprehensive teachings on the spine; Leila Stuart for her in-depth knowledge of Yoga Therapy and teachings on compassion and experiential anatomy; Robin Clements for offering me shelter under his wide wings and opening the gate to the ceremony of life; Dr. Carlos de Léon for his vast vision of liberation, his brilliance and comprehensive teachings; Francis Weller for his authentic embrace of being human, his magnum opus on grief and sorrow and his soulful inspiration; Schuyler Grant for her intelligent synthesis of flow and her grace-filled presence; Mario Corelli for his huge hearted embrace of life and yoga and sincere welcome to his yoga shala; Gioia Irwin for her teachings on tensegrity and the Grace of her practice; Gabryel Harrison for her paintings & poetry and her gift of The Intuitive Path; Anthony Abbagnano for his tender teachings on the Alchemy of Breath; John Vosler for his luminous teachings on Yoga Nidra; Kamini Desai for her integrative teachings on Yoga Therapy; Swami Janankanada for sparking my soul through Yoga Nidra; and Sandra Sammartino for lighting the way.

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