Eco-Action Circles
Programs blend theory and practice, inquiry, exercise, and engagement to deeply investigate a field of study. These 60-90 minute sessions are offered in the evening over a 4-week period, and include recordings and guide sheets.

Eco-Action Circles
Be the Change Earth Alliance has created informative and empowering resources to support concerned citizens and teachers in B.C.’s public schools to engage in transformative, socio-ecological learning. In 2022, over 1100 teachers registered to bring this powerful program to their students. Now, our yoga community is being offered access to this wellspring of materials and personal facilitation from the founder of the program, Maureen Jack-LaCroix.
Participants will choose their topic of focus for Climate Action from a selection of 13 Action Packs and immerse themselves in a process of conscious, healthy living, through learning, informative dialogue, engagement and action.
This program requires a 2-hour home-practice commitment each week. Our on-line sessions provide lively discussion, peer support and accountability to galvanize change. If you have ecological concerns and wish to live consciously, in harmony with Earth, this inspiring program is for you!
Be The Change Earth Alliance (BTCEA)
Be The Change Earth Alliance (BTCEA) was founded in 2005 to support positive, interconnected environmental and social change in schools and communities. Our mission is to inspire, educate, and empower youth to take personal and collective action for a just, sustainable, resilient, and personally-fulfilling world.
We believe that when an individual’s passion for action is activated, they shift their behaviour and can lead to meaningful climate action changes in their homes, schools, workplaces, and communities. We believe that a collective of engaged and activated citizens has the power to shift cultural norms and create a better future.
Day: Mondays
Dates: June 6, 13, 20, and 27
Time: 7:30pm-8:30pm
Cost: By Donation to Be the Change Earth Alliance
Facilitated by Maureen Jack-LaCroix and Sharon
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