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Get Your BackMitra Today!
The BackMitra provides a direct felt experience of your bones to promote a profound release into gravity. The gentle pressure of the BackMitra along the spinal column allows the paraspinal muscles to relax. In just 10 minutes a day, you can alleviate pain, improve posture, increase mobility in the spine and expand range of motion in the shoulder girdle. Using this prop regularly supports practicing yoga from the inside out to restore health on every level – physical, mental, emotional and energetic.
The BackMitra is versatile, light and travels easily anywhere!
Reported BENEFITS include:
Improved posture and alignment
Expanded Breath Capacity ~ the golden key to health
Elongation of the Spine and restoration of healthy spinal curves
Mobilization of the thoracic spine and more ease in the neck
Increase ROM in the Shoulder Girdle
Improved function of rotator cuff muscles
Enhanced balance in the rotator cuff muscles
Diminished sport injuries through restoring mobility
Alleviation and prevention of pain in the hips and low back
Renewed capacity to relax
Stronger and more resilient spine and back body
Relief from headaches
Relief from conditions like CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome), Frozen Shoulder and RSI (Repetitive Strain Injuries)/RMD (Repetitive Motion Disorder)
Teachers & Studios
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Yoga practitioners: the BackMitra can help you to improve your asana practice. The pressure of the BackMitra awakens a strong sense of the mid-line; as the spine becomes both stronger and more fluid all your yoga postures will be enlivened and integrated.
Yoga teachers: your students will be delighted with the opening and ease they experience in their body, making yoga practice deeply satisfying.
Created by Brigitte Longueville and Guy Hamaekers, the BackMitra is a powerful tool supporting spinal health and promoting a profound relaxation response. The word Mithras in Sanskrit means friend. In Hindu philosophy, Mithras is the deity of honesty, friendship and encounters. Hence the name of the BackMitra helps you befriend your back body, releasing the stiffness and tiredness, renewing the capacity for relaxation and increasing energy.
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The pressure of the BackMitra on the vertebrae (spinal bones) facilitates shifts in the spinal alignment as muscles that have been too strong relax and muscles that have atrophied activate. Mis/Mal-alignment has a cascade affect, from restricting spinal mobility to creating excessive tension and reducing blood flow. Less tension in the soft tissues equates to more ease, optimizing mobility. By using the BackMitra the vertebrae shift towards better alignment and the underlying muscle groups recalibrate and balance. Through practice with time, this new position is re-patterned and your back will return to its natural healthy state.
BackMitra Pillow
The pillow is especially designed to be mounted on top of the BackMitra® facilitating a more comfortable and effective BackMitra® experience. This prop is recommended when the head is forward of the spine, the neck and upper back are stiff, or the mid-back has a strong outward curve. The BackMitra pillow enable the neck to be elongated while the pressure of the BackMitra on the spine facilitates release in the upper back.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the BackMitra?
Efficient and effective, the BackMitra is an ingenious tool to mobilize the spine and release tension in the whole back body
How does the BackMitra work?
Resting the spine onto the BackMitra, the edges of the prop target the erector spinae muscles either side of the spinal column. Like the pressure of a good shiatsu massage, the BackMitra helps us feel and release chronic tension and mobilizes the facet joints, increase mobility in the mid-back.
What does Mitra Mean?
Mitra is the Sanskrit word for “friend”. Enabling a profound relaxation through the spine, shoulder girdle and hips, the BackMitra is the best friend your back will ever have!
Why is the BackMitra so revolutionary?
A strong and relaxed back supports a strong and relaxed nervous system. Learning to slow down and rest back from the busyness of our lives, we begin to access and activate the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) which can balance the action oriented Sympatheic Nervous System (SNS), where we tend to live most of the time.
Who can benefit from the BackMitra?
Absolutely anyone who has a spine! One colleague refers to the BackMitra as her “portable Chiropractor”.
Why teach with the BackMitra?
The BackMitra is a simple and effective tool for any teacher to invite opening in the back body and, in turn, the heart space to all students, from beginner to advanced. With endless possibilities, the ability for students to find a deeper, more potent connection to their practice through the BackMitra, this training is invaluable. Because of the size and weight of the Mitra, it is an easy, portable prop for teachers to encourage to use with home practice.
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TK Bramwell (verified owner) –
I’ve been using the backmitra for 4+ years and find that it is great for really deep back tension. My upper back can get into a tension filled mess, due to having to use a computer for work, so some stretching and the backmitra makes it much easier for me.